ElvisPresley dressed in blue
Went upstairs to tie his shoes
How many laces did he break?
One two, three, four, five...
Elvis Presley dressed in green
Climbed into his limousine
How many showgirls did he shake?
One two, three, four, five...
Elvis Presley dressed in red
Came downstairs to clear his head
Had a thirst he could not slake...
How many cupcakes did he bake?
One two, three, four, five...
Elvis Presley dressed in pink
Puked his guts into a sink
How many downers did he take?
One two, three, four, five...
Elvis Presley dressed in white
Glitter collar halo bright
How many dollars will he make?
One two, three, four, five...
Elvis Presley dressed in black
Had himself a heart attack
He aint never coming back.
I went to a Chinese restaurant
to get a loaf of bread, bread, bread
They wrapped the bread in tissuepaper
and this is what they said, said, said
(hands together & sinuous snake movements)
Elvis Presley
Girls are sexy
Sipping Pepsis
In a taxi
Burgers and chips
Burgers and chips
Whenever I eat them
They go to my hips
Pizza and fries
Pizza and fries
They call to my tummy
And light up my eyes
Candy and gum
Candy and gum
Whenever I have it
It sticks to my bum
cotton candy, good as gold
I wanna see your tootsie roll
Staring at the TV
Smoking a cigar
Laughing at the monkey
Elvis Presley was a star
He could do the go-go
he could do the twist
He could do the wiggle-jiggle
just like this!
Hurry Mr Postman
Don't be slow
Be like Elvis Presley
Go man go
Well, what a dud, boiled spud
Gimme a break, T-bone steak
Upon my soul, jelly roll
for your variant
I went to a Chinese restaurant
to buy a loaf of bread
They asked me what my name was
and this is what I said
Elvis Presley
all the girls are sexy
Sitting in the backseat
drinking Diet Pepsi
Girls go woo woo,
and boys go kick the ball!
A meagre and somewhat sorry few yard rhymes, songs, doggerel and other variations from elvisDog.
With this single variant of a lullaby, at least 350 years old and previously featuring Napoleon and 'Black Old Noll.
If you know an elvis jump rope rhyme, please share and send it to jazzy@istar.ca