Home Installations Kinetic Inflatables Photograms Statement CV Contacts
Master of Fine Art, York University, Toronto; 1987
Bachelor of Fine Art, York University, Toronto; 1980
Bachelor of Arts, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2007 Mammatus, Galería Miguel Marcos, Barcelona, Spain;
Sleeping Giants, Manchester International Festival, Manchester, UK
Blow, Felix Ringel Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany; Quadriga, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon; 2006 Mammatus, Museum London, London, Ontario; Mammatus, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Quadriga, Ludwig-Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany; Respiración Madrid, Galerie Raquel Ponce, Madrid, Spain; 2005 Metamorphosis, Artcore Gallery, Toronto, Ontario; Respiración, Galería Miguel Marcos, Barcelona, Spain; You and Me: Body Talks, Herrmann & Wagner, Berlin, Germany; Silenus, Glassbox, University of Erfurt Art Gallery, Erfurt Germany; Silenus, Galeria Leme, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
Rodman Hall, Brock University Art Gallery; 2004 Quartet, Ricco/Maresca Gallery, New York, New York; Cloud: Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Commissioned installation; Silenus, Apothiki Gallery, Paros, Greece; Four Horses, Beaverbrook
Art Gallery, Fredericton, New Brunswick; Four
Horses, Kitchener
Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener, Ontario; 2002
Silenus, Edmonton Art Gallery,
Edmonton, Alberta; Lamentation,
Art Gallery of Peterborough, Peterborough, Ontario; Sleeping
Giants, Definitely
Superior, Thunder Bay, Ontario; 2001
Hyperworld, Mendel
Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Sleeping
Giants, Neutral
Ground, Regina, Saskatchewan; 2000
Giant, Monte
Clark Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia; Sleeping
Giants, Karlskoga
Konsthall, Karlskoga, Sweden; Sleeping
Giants, Saw
Gallery, Ottawa; 1999
GnadenKirche installation and performance, Hamburg, Germany, coordinated
by Kunststuck Gallery; Endgame,
rooftop installation, coordinated by the MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, Ontario; Swan
Song, Gallery
Stratford, Stratford Ontario; Sleeping
Giants, Galleri
Rostrum, Malmo, Sweden; 1998 Endgame (in the pit),
in cooperation with Christopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto; Sleeping
Giants, The Library
and Gallery, Cambridge, Ontario; 1997
Pleasure Dome, Pyramida: Centre for Contemporary Art, Haifa,
Israel; 1996 Tight Rope, Synagoga
na Palmovca, Prague, Czech Republic;
Loggia Gallery, Koffler Centre of the Arts, North York, Ontario; 1995 Quartet in a Box, 00
gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia;
site-specific installation, Paul Petro Contemporary Art, Scotia Plaza, Toronto; 1993 "this
flesh...", Galerie Articule, Montreal; 1989
Life We Are Living, IDA Gallery, York University, Toronto; 1988
We will name this place..., Winters Gallery, York University. GROUP
HeartQuake; Museum on the Seam,
International Arts Festival, 2007
Phantom & Spirit, Galerie Eric Mircher,
Das Motiv Säugling in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunsthalle Darmstadt,
for Culture, UNESCO and
Playing in Traffic,
Slava’s Snowshow,
The Great Indoors:
Blind Culture,
Now, 2006
Naked Life,
Plastiken Kunstkörperlich – Körperkünstlich,
of Love, Virserums Konsthall,
Lov Biennial,
Equinox, Blackwood Gallery,
Hart House Collective Exhibition, Hart House,
Kenderdine Gallery, 2005
Figur/Skulptur, 2004 Gonflables! Inflatables Gonfiabili…, Lille, France;
Floating Worlds; Beacon
Cultural Foundation, Beacon, New York;
Turn, Owens
Art Gallery, Sackville, New Brunswick;
Mostra Internazionale d'Arte
Contempranea, Pordenone, Italy;
Turn; Museum of
Canadian Contemporary Art, Toronto;
le naturel…, 4th Liege Biennial, Museum for Modern and Contemporary
Art, Liege, Belgium; 2003 The Ironic Turn, Faux
Mouvement , Metz, France;
lilliputien au gigantesque: l’imaginaire de la démesure, Musée Régional de Rimouski,
Rimouski, Quebec;
The Ironic Turn::Kanadische Kunst der Gegenwart, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt,
Germany; Il
Palazzo delle Liberta,
Palazzo delle Papesse Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena, Italy, curated by
Lorenzo Fusi; The
Mortal Coil: Ruminations on Human Physicality,
Gallery Stratford, Stratford, Ontario; 2001
Good Place, Taichung,
Taiwan, curated by Manray Hsu, Hungjohn Lin and David Liss; Mortal,
Betty Rymer Gallery, Chicago Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois; 2000
logocity, Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, Ontario, curated by
Barbara Fischer; Endgame,
Alma Lov Museum,
Ostra Amtervik, Sweden; Balancing
Act, Kunstvaai4,
Amsterdam, NL, curated by De Parel Gallery; 1999
Balloon Disaster #3, The Art Firm, Toronto, Ontario; Mediawave:
International Media Festival: Gyor, Hungary; 1998
Between Body
and Soul, Saidye
Bronfman Centre and Concordia University Gallery, Montreal; Version
City, University of
Buffalo Art Gallery: curated by John Massier;
Artifice, coordinated by Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts,
of bodies changed,
Thames Art Gallery, Chattam Cultural Centre, Chattam, Ontario; 1997
Ulappa '97, symposium and exhibition, Turku, Finland; 1996
Once Upon a Time, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, curated by Joan
Stebbins; 1995
Nether Mind, collective exhibition;
symposium and exhibition, Plasy, Czech Republic; 1994
Naked State, curated by Louise Dompierre and Arthur Renwick, The
Power Plant, Toronto;
Mediatrics, coordinated by Cold City Gallery, Toronto; 1993
Communion, curated by Deborah Boardman, Johnson County Arts
Center, Iowa City, Iowa;
Nether Mind, collective exhibition, Toronto;
Hermit, symposium and exhibition, Plasy, Czech Republic; 1992
Nether Mind, collective exhibition, Toronto; 1991
Outrageous Desire, Rutger's University, New Brunswick, New Jersey;
Nether Mind, collective exhibition, Toronto; 1990
Panic and Fear, retail space installation, Eaton Centre, "The
Works" festival, Edmonton; 1989
The Crossing, Bloor St. United Church, coordinated by Mediums Art
Centre, Toronto. COMMISSIONS
Giants: Canadian Art Foundation: Toronto, Ontario, Commissioned
installation; 2000
Endgame: Alma Lov Museum, Ostra Amtervik, Sweden; 1996
Swan Song (ice-cellar installation), permanent collection, Hermit
Foundation, Czech Republic. 1991
Where there is Smoke: installation, collection of Marat Inc.,
Toronto. 1989
We Will Name This Place: permanent installation, collection of
York University. CATALOGUES 2008
Captive Visions: Contemporary Canadian Art, Eli Klein Fine Art, 2007
Das Motiv Säugling in der zeitgenössischen Kunst,
Playing in Traffic, Archive Inc. Gallery & Art Library, 2006
Naked Life, Manray Hsu, Maren
Mammatus, Jean
Randolf, Mary Reid, Melanie Townsend,
Lifeforms, Robert
– Körperkünstlich, Hansdieter Erbsmehl, Kunsthalle
Dominikanerkirchw, 2005 figure/skulptur, Robert Fleck, Andreas Hoffer, Lucia Binder, Essl Museum, Vienna, Austria;
Donna Wowzonek and Nick Lary, 2004
Chassez le naturel…, 4th Liege Biennial, Liege, Belgium; 2003
Il Palazzo delle Liberta, by Lorenzo Fusi, Palazzo delle Papesse
Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena, Italy; Du lilliputien au gigantesque: l’imaginaire de la démesure, Véronique Bellemare Briére, Musée Régional de Rimouski, Quebec; Four
Horses, Kitchener Waterloo
Art Gallery, Kitchener, Ontario; 2001
The Good Place, by Manray Hsu, Hungjohn Lin and David Liss; 2000
Sleeping Giants, essay “Dream of Giants” by Marcus Miller, Saw
Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario and Karlskoga Konsthall, Karlskoga, Sweden; 1999
Sleeping Giants, essay by Gordon Hatt, The Library and Gallery,
Cambridge, Ontario; Between
Body and Soul; essay
by David Liss, Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts; 1998
Version City, essay by John Massier, University of Buffalo Art
Gallery; of
bodies changed,
essay by Lorenzo Buj, Thames Art Gallery, Chattam, Ontario; 1997
Once Upon a Time: Contemporary Tales, Southern Alberta Art
Gallery; 1996
Palmovca: Sbornik Synagogy na Palmovce, essay by Martina
international art symposium and exhibition, Plasy, Czech Republic; 1995
Nether Mind, essay by Christopher Dewdney; 1994
Naked State, Louise Dompierre and Arthur Renwick, The Power Plant,
Toronto; 1993
Nether Mind, essay by Ihor Holubizky;
international art symposium and exhibition, Plasy, Czech Republic; 1991
Outrageous Desire, Rutger's University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. SELECTED
REVIEWS AND ARTICLES 2007 The Globe and Mail, R.M. Vaughan, "Black balls a bust; horses a masterpiece" Toronto, June 6; 2006
West, “ Azure, “Blow-Ups”, Lyne Fraser, September;
El País, “Los hombres hinchables de 2005 Kunst 21, Schlafende Giganten, Heft Nr. 8 Sept. 05;
Quarterly, Clarissa M. Lewis, “ New York Arts, Camila Belchio, “Max Streicher”, Vol. 10 no 5/6, May/June Folha de Sao Paulo, Canadense e brasileira retratam homem em ‘estado de exceção’, March 2; 2004 Canadian Art, Dionne McAffee, “Max Streicher”, Fall; The Globe and Mail, Gary Michael Dault, “The irony of (really) big expectations”, July 3; Art Nexus, Tatiana Flores, “The Armory Show”; (photo), No. 53; volume 3; Art Nexus, Marisol Martell, “Palm Beach Contemporary” (photo), No. 52; volume 3; Toronto Star, Christopher Hume, “People palace and a Treasure chest” (photo), March, 14; 2003 2003Rheinesche Post, Bertram Müller, Schlafende Giganten, (photo), Oct. 29; Handelsblatt, Christian Herchenröder, “Altes Blut in neuen Adern”, (photo) Dusseldorf, Oct. 31; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Rose-Maria Gropp, “Zurück nach vorn zu den Wurzeln”, Nov. 1; Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, Martin Oehlen, “Die Welt der Kunst”, (photo), Oct. 29;
Kunst Film Biennale, Kathrin Luz, “Uns kennt die halbe
Welt nur nicht Ehrenfeld…”, (photo), Köln,
Oct. 31;
Sverige AB: John Peter Nilsson, “Jätter som svävar I taket”, (photo),
Stockholm, June 7; Espace: Natasha Hébert, “Il Palazzo della Libertá: Un projet elusive-subversif, sans attention aux bonnes maniéres, (photo) Winter 2003-2004 Surfacing Journal: “Max Streicher—Silenus”, (photo), Summer, Volume 24: issue 2 Lola:
Jeffery Matt, “Silenus at 401 Richmond” (photo), Lola 15, vol. 7, no. 1,
Toronto, spring; Toronto
Star: Peter Goddard, “Streicher’s benign giants” (photo), Jan. 11; 2002
Edmonton Journal: Gilbert Bouchard, “Artist put patrons in the thick of
giant inflatables” (photo), Sept. 17; The
Globe and Mail: Sarah Milroy, “Divine Comedy”, (photo), Toronto, Sept. 7; Espace:
Gill McElroy, “Lamentation” (photo), Montreal, Autumn;
The Chronicle-Journal: Peter Fergus-Moore, “ Sleeping Giants: Comatose,
Disturbing” (photo), Thunder Bay, Ontario, March 12; 2001
The Star Phoenix: Sheila Robertson, “Challenging Boundaries”
(photos), Regina, Sept. 29; World
Sculpture News: Paula Gustafson, “Max Streicher at Monte Clark Gallery”
(photo), Hong Kong, winter; Espace:
Paula Gustafson, “Max Streicher: Giants” (photo), Montreal, spring; 2000
Konstperspektiv: Fred Andersson, “Experimental konst i värmländsk
hage”, Sweden, Argang 28;
The Globe and Mail: Blake Gopnik, "Signs prove consumer culture is
more than just a straight sell", Toronto, August, 26;
Lola: Catherine Osborne, “logocity”, Toronto, Autumn; Lola:
Sherri Irvin, “Sleeping Giants” Toronto, Autumn;
Eimsbuettler Wochenblatt: “Kunst & Gottesdienst” (photo),
Hamburg, Nov. 4, 1999; 1998
Canadian Art: Corina Ghaznavi, "Space Invaders" (photo),
Toronto, Autumn;
Beaux-Arts Magazine: Chloe Braunstein, "Le Confable" (photo),
Paris, October;
The Globe and Mail: Blake Gopnik, "The last laugh" (photo),
Toronto, August, 1; 1997 Tucun Sanomat: Raili
Suoninen, "Terveiset Ulapalta", Turku, Finland, June 3,;
Ha'aretz:, Haifa, Israel, March 20; 1996
The Globe and Mail: Alanna Mitchell, "Alberta gallery features
fractured fairy tales", Nov. 2; Atelier,
Journal of Contemporary Art: Andela Hrova, " Utahnuty Provaz", Prague,
June 13;
The Prague Post: Randi Druzin, "Modern Babylon", Prague, April
Labyrint: Max Streicher: Synagoga na Palmovce, Prague, April; 1995
The Globe and Mail: John Bently Mays, "Two shows that show the
unshowable", Sept. 9; Atelier,
Journal of Contemporary Art: “Sever a Jil v Plasich-Krizeni poedniku”,
Prague, Sept;
NOW Magazine:
Deirdre Hanna, "Inflatable hunters make for Bay Street metaphor",
April 20; 1994
Canadian Art: Gary Michael Dault, "Tragically Hip"
(photograph), Toronto, winter;
Eye magazine: Oliver Girling, "Wired up from
Degree Zero", Toronto, Oct. 6;
The Toronto Star: Christopher Hume, "Naked State Show Illuminates
Dark New Age", Sept. 22;
Sunday Magazine, Toronto Sun: Lisa Balfour Bowen, "Body
Language", Sept. 18; 1993
Parcours Arts Visuels: Marguerite Anderson: "Toronto
Underground", Montreal, autumn; 1991
The Globe and Mail: Kate Taylor: "Sculptors at play with a sense of
fun", Oct. 23; NOW
Magazine: Deirdre Hanna, "Nether Mind displays new face of Canadian
art", May 28; 1990
FUSE: Steve Reinke, "Off the Beaten Track: The Crossing",
(photo), Toronto, spring. 1989
Work Seen: David Renaud: "The Crossing-Art: Church Site for Group
Show", Toronto, Nov.
Metropolis: Linda Genereux, "Crossing - Art Crosses Barriers",
Nov. 2.
contact: maxs (at) istar (dot) ca |